Yesterday, I was so excited to find this great deal on craigslist. I don't check it very often, but I just happened to, and someone had just posted this spinning wheel, skein-winder, spools and drum carder. I have searched the internet quite a few times for used spinning wheels with out any success. We looked at fiberfest and the few used they had were very expensive. I had came to the conclusion that we would have to buy new. The cheapest we could find was $320 and not really what we wanted. This wheel brand new would cost at least $500. We seen a used drum carder at fiberfest for $250 new would be atleast $350. We were able to get all of it for $350. Everything is in great condition and in working order. We already have the wheel up and running. It took a few trial runs to figure everything out, but I think we'll be old pros in no time. :-)
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